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Modern Apartment with Amazing Layout

Modern Apartment with Amazing Layout
 Vanilla 21 Home design - The two bedroom apartment is located in beautiful downtown Gothemburg, Sweden offers the beautiful surrounding landscape as well. The apartments are adopting this medieval building retains some elements, such as ceiling height impressive, floors made of wood and of course with modern decor. When you go through a small hallway, you'll get the feeling that the globalized apartment because these apartments have a zone of life is stylish and has a kitchen that blends in the layout of the apartment open.
Modern Apartment with Amazing Layout
 Modern Apartment with Amazing Layout

This apartment has access to all the rooms such as the living room that can be accessed directly onto the balcony and offers a great place for a coffee or relax. This apartment has a friendly lighting and can be fused with the atmosphere of the long winter in Sweden. The apartment also has a small bedroom and had a fairly quiet atmosphere. In addition to a small room, this apartment also has a fairly large bedroom with a double bed and a table mounted on the side. Please see the photos provided Vanilla 21 below and please leave comments so we know the idea of​what the apartment you want.

Modern Apartment with Amazing Layout

Modern Apartment with Amazing Layout

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